the Gauge Tool:
The Gauge Tool lets you create gauge report snippets to make part of your reports.
Configuration Properties:
There are 7 configuration properties.
Percentage Field - This is the field on your data which contains the percentage to display on the gauge. It should be between 0 and 100. One gauge gets producued for each row of input data.
Width - The width of each gauge report snippet that is produced.
Height - The height of each gauge report snippet that is produced.
Color 1 - This is the color of the section of the dial which corresponds to the percentage data in your selected field.
Color 2 - This is the color of the other section of the dial which is 100 subtract the percentage data in your selected field.
Font Color - The color of the font for the percentage label.
Arrow Color - The color of the gauge's arrow.
All colors must be supplied as RGB hex values (e.g. #ff0000 is red).
Version History:
Version 1.0 - Initial release.